Signalr Websockets And Barracuda Waf

I have been tearing my hair out at work for the last day trying to resolve an issue with a web application that uses SignalR over WebSockets where traffic is directed through a Barracuda Web Application Firewall (WAF). Every attempt to connect to the SignalR/connect endpoint using websockets would fail with a 400 Bad Request. Here is how I eventually resolved the issue.

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Monitoring Nservicebus With Datadog

When it comes to monitoring, I’m a big fan of using datadog to consume all of the metrics from my infrastructure and applications, allowing me to build custom dashboards and alerts that show me all the parts of my system that I care about, particularly NServiceBus. This isn’t a blog about the in’s and out’s of datadog, that’s for another blog post yet to come, but instead how you can have datadog read your metrics from NServiceBus.

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Add Letsencrypt To Docker Containers

So I have two applications that I would like to host in my docker environment and I want them both to be accessible to the outside world, with different DNS Records, and served over https with SSL Certificates from LetsEncrypt.

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Git History And Squashing Commits

You’ve been working on your own feature branch for a short while. You’ve been committing work regularly as you have been going. You’ve finished your work and you are about to create a Pull Request or merge directly into your master or develop branch. Do you really need or, more to the point, want to merge all of those commits into the your master or develop branch? I’m going to tell you why you should care about your history and how you can tell a story with it.

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Git Rebase Vs Merge

Both of these commands enable you to achieve the same end goal, but they both achieve this in different ways.

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Useful Git Aliases

I am always looking to make my life easier, quicker and typing less so I rely heavily on Keyboard Shortcuts and so the following Aliases really help me out.

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Git and the Command Line

I came from an SVN background, using a Windows GUI (Tortoise), and so naturally when I moved to Git, I wanted to use a Windows GUI and used SourceTree by Atlassian.

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